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What is Fetal Alcohol Syndrome?

Fetal alcohol syndrome is a medical condition in a child resulting due to exposure of alcohol during the mother's pregnancy. This condition results in brain damage as well as growth problems. However, since every child is different, the issues that are caused because of fetal alcohol syndrome may vary from one child to another. The defects that are caused by fetal alcohol syndrome are however not reversible. Alcohol at all is extremely harmful during pregnancy and this is the reason why there is no amount of alcohol that is said to be safe at the time of pregnancy. Your baby will suffer the risk of getting fetal alcohol syndrome in case you consume alcohol during pregnancy. It is important that you talk to your health care provider in case you suspect that your child may have fetal alcohol syndrome. Behavioral issues as well as learning difficulties may be resolved with the help of early diagnosis.

Causes of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

Mentioned below are the fetal alcohol syndrome’s causes:

Drinking alcohol during pregnancy will:

  • Make the alcohol enter your bloodstream and then reach your developing fetus thereby crossing the placenta
  • Fetal Alcohol Syndrome causes are said to be due to higher blood alcohol concentrations in your developing baby rather than in your body since a fetus has a capacity to metabolizes alcohol slower than an adult does
  • Alcohol acts as a hindrance to deliver oxygen as well as optimal nutrition to your developing baby
  • Alcohol exposure before birth may harm the development of tissues as well as organs causing permanent brain damage in your baby

Therefore, remember that the more you drink in pregnancy, higher is the risk that your baby develops fetal alcohol syndrome. But, any amount of alcohol will result in the same issue. It is a fact that baby's heart, brain, and blood vessels start to develop in the early weeks of pregnancy, even before you may know that you're carrying.

Drinking alcohol during the first trimester of the pregnancy will cause impairment of bones, central nervous system, heart, facial features, etc. That's when these parts of the fetus are in key stages of development. But, drinking alcohol in any trimester of the pregnancy yet will lead to greater risks.

Types of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

Mentioned below are the types of Fetal alcohol syndrome:

  • fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS)
  • alcohol-related neurodevelopment disorder
  • partial fetal alcohol syndrome
  • alcohol-related birth defects
  • neurobehavioral disorder linked with prenatal alcohol exposure


What should you do in case your fetal alcohol syndrome worsens?

In case you find that the symptoms of fetal alcohol syndrome such as hyperactivity, lack of focus, poor coordination, poor judgment, delayed problems in development of speech, movement, social skills, below average weight and height, small head as well as smooth ridge that appears between the upper nose and lip, a thin upper lip, etc. are worsening, it is important that you immediately seek medical help.

What are the available fetal alcohol syndrome treatment options?

Till today, there is no exact cure for Fetal Alcohol Syndrome treatment. The physical as well as mental deficiencies typically will persist for a lifetime.

But, there are probabilities of early intervention services reducing some of the effects of fetal alcohol syndrome as well as it may help in prevention of some secondary disabilities. Intervention services may involve:

  • Specific medications to aid with symptoms
  • Special behavioral and learning issues to be taken up in school
  • Life skills as well as vocational training
  • Early intervention with regards to talking, walking as well as social skills
  • A team of special therapist, occupational therapist as well as an education specialist
  • Vision problems as well as heart abnormalities to be taken care via medical care
  • Addressing issues such as alcohol abuse or substance abuse issues
  • Parent’s counselling with regards to children’s behavior

Are there any natural or homemade remedies for fetal alcohol syndrome?

Children suffering from fetal alcohol syndrome are mostly friendly and cheerful. They enjoy social interaction, however taking care of a child having this type of syndrome can yet be challenging at times. There are many kids who will have lifelong learning as well as behavioral problems.

All you can do is offer the child a safe, stable and nuturing home environment to reduce the effects of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome apart from early intervention services as well as support from your child's school. Don't be afraid to ask for help, if required. Speak to your child's doctor. Support groups as well as counselors may be helpful. It's vital to get help for a parent or a caregiver who yet continues to struggle with addiction of alcohol.

When to see a doctor

If you are an expectant mother and can’t control alcohol consumption, it is important that you talk to your doctor immediately. Medical attention is extremely important at this crucial phase of life. An early diagnosis will help in reducing the risk of long-term problems related to children with fetal alcohol syndrome. Therefore, you should inform the pediatrician or child’s specialist about you consuming alcohol during your pregnancy. It is advisable not to wait for problems to arise prior to seeking help.

In case you offer foster care or have adopted a kid, it is important to inform the doctor the same since you may not know if the biological mother drank alcohol in her pregnancy.


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