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What is Indigestion?

Indigestion a medical condition is also known as dyspepsia that happens to almost everyone. Typically any particular eating habits as well as a chronic digestive problem may trigger indigestion. Indigestion leads to nausea, heartburn, bloating, and vomiting and stomach pain. Some other common indigestion symptoms include not being able to complete a meal, feeling full immediately during a meal, gnawing sensation in the stomach and burning sensation in the stomach, belching, etc. It is advisable to visit your doctor right away in case you experience black stools, severe vomiting, unexplained weight loss and trouble in swallowing food.

Causes of Indigestion

Some of the Indigestion causes are something that results from overeating. In case you eat more greasy, spicy and fatty foods also it may increase the risk of indigestion. If you lie down immediately post a meal, it may make digestion of food too hard and may lead to increased risk for abdominal discomfort.

Some of the most common indigestion causes are mentioned below:

  • Smoking
  • Consumption of excessive alcohol
  • Certain side effects of medicines by using aspirin, naproxen, etc.

Your lifestyle and eating habits may also cause indigestion. Indigestion symptoms are usually caused due to:

  • acid reflux disease also known as GERD
  • pancreatic abnormalities
  • gastric cancer
  • peptic ulcers

At times, the indigestion causes are unknown. This is known as functional dyspepsia. This is usually a result of abnormal muscle motility in the area wherein the stomach muscles digest but then move food into the small intestine.

How long does indigestion pain last?

Indigestion is a chronic disease that usually lasts for years, if not a lifetime. It however, does display periodicity, meaning that the indigestion symptoms may be even more frequent or intense for days, weeks, or months and then suddenly less frequent or severe for days, weeks, or months.


What should you do in case your Indigestion worsens?

In case you feel that your indigestion symptoms worsens, it is best to visit a healthcare specialist at the earliest.

What are the available Indigestion treatment options?

Mentioned below are some of the indigestion treatments available:


Several medications treat indigestion, however some may even cause side effects. Certain over-the-counter antacids such as Maalox and Mylanta may help in neutralizing stomach acid, however there are chances of causing diarrhea or constipation.

Certain medications such as Zantac will lead to reducing stomach acid. The side effects are uncommon including rash, itching, nausea, vomiting, constipation, bleeding, diarrhea, bleeding, etc.

Are there any natural or homemade remedies for Indigestion?

Indigestion treatment doesn’t only include medication. However, adopting certain changes in lifestyle may improve digestion and help you get rid of uncomfortable indigestion symptoms. For instance:

  • It is best to have smaller meals throughout the day.
  • Avoid foods that are greasy, oily, spicy, fatty triggering heartburn as much as possible.
  • It is best to eat slowly and not to lie down immediately post a meal.
  • Stop smoking.
  • Reduce excess body weight.
  • Reduce the intake of coffee, soft drinks, as well as alcohol.
  • Get rest as much as possible.
  • Stop taking medications that lead to stomach lining irritation such as NSAIDs
  • Exercise regularly
  • Adopt relaxation therapy such as reducing stress by practicing yoga

When to see a doctor?

Indigestion symptoms give you hints of other medical conditions or issues.

In case you feel that your indigestion symptoms are mild or that they resolve in a short time, do speak to your doctor about getting it treated.

However, if you face any of the below mentioned symptoms of severe indigestion and that lasts for few days, or keep worsening it is best to seek medical care on immediate basis:

  • Vomiting blood that can red or dark, and just like coffee grounds)
  • Appetite loss
  • Trouble in swallowing
  • Tarry or black stools
  • Bloody stools
  • Dizziness
  • Severe pain in the upper right abdomen
  • Yellow coloring of the eyes and skin leading to jaundice
  • Discomfort unrelated to eating
  • Lightheadedness
  • Fainting


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